- Load Single, Multiple or Folder of imzML Files
- Customizable Preferences by End-User
- Abundance Threshold Filtering
- Injection Time Scaling
- Single Pixel Selection Tool – View/Export Mass Spectrum
- Export High Resolution Heatmaps for Publication in Several File Formats
- CVD Compliant Colormap Cividisblack
- Free Program Updates (Bug Fixes, Feature Improvements)
- Comprehensive User Manual
- Interactive Abundance Heatmap m/z Tolerance Update
- Interactive Abundance Heatmap Min/Max Value Update
- Installation Support
- Loading of ThermoFisher *.raw Files
- Loading of Arbitrary ROI, nested ROI, and Bespoke Patterns
- Custom MSiReader File Formats to Save Data for Session Revisit with Fast Reloading
- Abundance Heatmap Normalization
- Abundance Hotspot Removal
- Colormap Selection (including CVD-compliant colormaps) with Scaling Options
- Interpolation of Imaging Data
- Sequential Paired Covariance Visualization Tool
- Mass Correction including Batch Processing
- Centroid Data (Parabolic, MS Peaks or Local Maximum), Peak Exclusion Filter, Abundance Threshold, and Batch Processing
- Scan Scrubber (Remove a User-Defined ROI)
- Ion Classification Tool for Determining On-Tissue / Background Ions (full integration Q3 of 2023)
- Visualization Tools (Abundance Rank, TIC, # Analytes, Summed m/z Abundance, and Spectra Above Threshold)
- MSi Slicer (Line plot of abundance versus location)
- Co-localization and Image Overlay with Transparency
- RGB Colocalization
- 3D Plotting / Visualization
- Custom Heatmap Normalization
- QA/QC: Mass Measurement Accuracy
- QA/QC: Spectral Accuracy
- QA/QC: Summary Statistics
- ROI Selectors (pixel, line, polygon)
- Build, Import and/or Search Custom DB for Annotations
- Molecular Formula Adduct Search
- SSIM Colocalization Tool Based on Human Perception
- Batch Export of Images
- MSi Spectrum (Export of Mass Spectra)
- MSi Export (Exports m/z and Abundance Data)
- MSi Peakfinder (Relative Quantification)
- QMSI (Absolute Quantification using Spatial Calibration Curve)
- Functional MSI (Percent Isotope Enrichment)
- Statistical Analysis (PCA, t-SNE)
- Log File Generation
- Access to New Tools / Features / Workflows Upon Release
- Full Technical Support
- BioPharma-Specific Settings (e.g., shots-per-well)
- BioPharma: Tools for High-Throughput Screening (HTS) and High Content Screening (HCS)
- Plate Location File Generator (to load imzML file format with multiple shots per well)
- Ion Abundance Plots (Product, Starting Material, Internal Standard, TIC)
- Support for Different Plate Types (6, 24, 96, 384, 1536, 6144 and Custom)
- MS Navigation for Product, Starting Material, Internal Standard
- Mass Spectrum View with One-Click to View Product, Starting Material or Product Ion
- Calculation of Percent Conversion for HTS Applications
- Display a Stacked-plot of Abundances per well/shot (TIC, IS, SM, PR)
- Display either All Plates, a Unified (merged) View, or a Specific Replicate for a Plate