Several publications are available describing MSiReader functionality and software improvements. Both MSiReader Basic and Pro versions contain the “engine” of MSiReader, but have new UI/UX, improved computational efficiency, and new capabilities that are being added continuously. The publications below describe the foundation of MSiReader Basic and Pro versions and should be cited as deemed appropriate. Click on the link after each citation to see who is citing these publications.
Overview of MSiReader: Improvements and Functionality
Robichaud, G.; Garrard, KP; Barry, JA; Muddiman, DC. MSiReader: An Open-Source Interface to View and Analyze High Resolving Power MS Imaging Files on Matlab Platform, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2013, 24(5), 718-721. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Bokhart, M.; Nazari, M.; Garrard, K.; Muddiman, D. MSiReader v1.0: Evolving Open-Source Mass Spectrometry Imaging Software for Targeted and Untargeted Analyses. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2018, 29(1), 8-16. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Co-Localization Approach Based on Human Vision System
Ekelof, M., Garrard, K.P., Judd, R., Rosen, E.P., Xie, D.Y., Kashuba, A.D.M., Muddiman, D.C., Evaluation of Digital Image Recognition Methods for Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data Analysis”, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2018, 12, 2467-2470. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Absolute Quantification Using Spatial Calibration Curves
Nazari M, Bokhart MT, Loziuk PL, Muddiman DC, Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Glutathione in Healthy and Cancerous Hen Ovarian Tissue Sections by Infrared Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption Electrospray Ionization (IR-MALDESI), Analyst, 2018, 143(3), 654-661. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Reporting Spectral Accuracy from Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data
Khodjaniyazova S, Nazari M, Garrard KP, Matos MPV, Jackson GP, Muddiman DC. Characterization of the Spectral Accuracy of an Orbitrap Mass Analyzer Using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry”, Anal. Chem., 2018, 90(3), 1897-1906. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Normalization Methods in Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Tu, A. and Muddiman, D.C. Systematic Evaluation of Repeatability of IR-MALDESI-MS and Normalization Strategies for Correcting the Analytical Variation and Improving Image Quality Anal Bioanal Chem., 2019, 411(22), 5729-5743. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
3D Imaging Reconstruction in MSiReader
Bai H, Khodjaniyazova S, Garrard, KP, Muddiman DC Three-Dimensional Imaging with Infrared Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2019, 31(2), 292-297. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Percent Isotope Enrichment Tool for Functional Mass Spectrometry
Mellinger AL, Garrard KP, Khodjaniyazova S, Rabbani ZN, Gamcsik MP, Muddiman DC.“Multiple Infusion Start Time Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Dynamic SIL-Glutathione Biosynthesis Using Infrared Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Electrospray Ionization” J. Proteome Res. 2022, 21(3), 747-757. Click HERE for Citations to this Work
Mellinger AL, Kibbe RR, Rabbani ZN, Meritet D, Muddiman DC, Gamcsik MP “Mapping Glycine Uptake and its Metabolic Conversion to Glutathione in Mouse Mammary Tumors using Functional Mass Spectrometry Imaging” Free Radic. Biol. Med., 2022, 192, 677-684.
On the Use of Color Maps in Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Knizner KT, Kibbe RR, Garrard KP, Nuñez JR, Anderton CR, Muddiman DC. “On the Importance of Color in Mass Spectrometry Imaging” J. Mass Spectrom.2022, 57, 12, e4898.
Visualization of Data using Sequential Paired Covariance
Pace, C.L., Garrard, K.P., Muddiman, D.C. “Sequential Paired Covariance for Improved Visualization of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Datasets” J.Mass Spectrom.2022, 57, 7, e4872.
Development of an Object-Based Image Analysis Tool for Mass Spectrometry Imaging Ion Classification